About Myself
I majored in Mechanical Engineering and I am proficient on CAD design, electronics, and compiling programming codes. I find working on these domains exciting and fascinating, in which soon I found out that working closely with robotics allows me to integrate hardware, design and software. When I am given a task to create a prototype from scratch then I can spend a lot of hours of research, design thinking, cost-analysis, and collecting information from users to generate ideas for the project and come up with an innovating idea that can solve the users needs.
Quick Facts
- Graduated from San Jose State University in May 2020.
- Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
- Top Favorite Academia Courses at SJSU: Robotics and Manufacturing Systems, Fundamental of Mechatronics, Mechatronics System Design, Fluid Mechanics, and Engineering CAD Design.
- Grew up at the Bay Area, California
- Languages: English and Spanish
- Learned Four Martial Arts: Kickboxing, Karate, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do.
- Hobbies: Pool, Bowling, Hiking, Cooking, Watch Soccer (Go Liverpool!) and Reading.